Finding Quiet in the Chaos


Post 1

“Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and our freedom”.

Victor Frankl

COVID19 is a force that puts us all at risk.  In order to protect our community and our world each individual needs to protect themselves.  The federal and provincial governments have been relentless with the support they have provided.  This is indeed an unprecedented time that will impact all.  As Frankl states we have freedom to choose our response.  At times our patterned ways of being may impact that choice in a negative way.  The following tips are to encourage a positive shift to create more space so that our responses can be more along the lines of personal and communal well-being.  In the end we will have done our best to choose the healthiest response and maybe even feel gratitude and growth in the process. 

The acronym SECURITY will aid in breaking down the steps to create this space.

The first and most important step in creating space is SELF-AWARENESS.

Notice when you are sliding into a familiar pattern.  Emotional dysregulation will have indicators: physical, behavioral and cognitive.  Slow down to allow for recognition.  When we slip into this space we are being driven by our emotional brains and this is not the time to be without the rational.  Go to your breath – regulate and calm.  We want our brains fully functioning and blood flowing to every cell.

EXIT – take a time out.  If you are with someone simply let them know you need space and will come back to the conversation when you are in a better mindset.  Slip away and take care of you.  Do what you know works to slow the physical, emotional or cognitive reactivity.  This could include going for a run, doing an online yoga, journaling, doing breath work and many other techniques that will aid in self regulation.

CARE – if you were taking time out go back to that person and show care.  Reengage and express your desire to create a positive and caring atmosphere and conversation.  If you were exiting from your dark space go back and care for yourself – treat yourself to something uplifting and kind.  Care for you.

UNVEIL – something that gives you hope for healing.  Enter into a sacred space that could involve meditation or prayer.   Creating or enjoying the arts with hands on projects, poetry or music are ways to shift to beauty.  We are all in this together unveil your willingness to be a part of the community in a way that offers hope. 

RETURN – go back to something that feels normal.  There are spaces in life that are familiar, things that we have always done and will always need and want to do.  Use mindfulness to soak up the present moment and be grateful to be there.  Let your heart open to the simplicity of the experience.

INTIMACY – this is a time of physical disconnect where social distancing is a necessity.  Many of us are working at home, some alone and some with family or roommates.  Where there is another in your living space, reach out and invite them to connect.  If you are alone at home, connect with a loved one online or on the phone.  Technology is our friend and it is amazing how we can have meaningful connections at a distance.

TRUST – this will not be the new norm.  As Winston Churchill said “this too shall pass”.  Embrace the fact that change is a constant and that there are brilliant scientists working to contain and vaccinate against this virus.  Trust that humanity will recover and, that in many cases, there will be positive changes as a result of this trauma.  We as a species will grow through this process.

YIELD – yield to the controls put in place to cope with this pandemic.  This means that in some pieces of our day to day life we will not have control.  However, there are many pieces  we where will have a choice.  Control what you can, choose the best option, contribute in some way to the well being of others.  We are in this together and it is our attitude that will make all the difference in where we find ourselves in the future.

AnneMarie Whitton, M. Sc. (MFT)
Registered Psychologist

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